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Android SDK

Getting Started

If you haven't already, please start with the Getting Started Guide below.


The first step is to install the Polls Platform Android SDK.

We recommend using Android Studio as an IDE and Gradle to manage dependencies. In your build.gradle file, add the following dependencies with the latest version of the SDK.

dependencies {
implementation 'com.polls_platform:android:1.0+'

Then sync the project with Gradle files.

Create a Poll

Once you have installed the SDK, you're ready to create your first poll.

  // configure Polls Platform SDK  val config = Config(      apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY",      domainConfig = DomainConfig.Subdomain(subdomain = "YOUR_SUBDOMAIN"),      environment = Environment.production  )  PollsPlatform.setConfig(config = config)  // create a poll  val poll = Poll(      ownerId = ownerId,      settings = settings,      title = title,      options = options,  )  val res = PollsPlatform.createPoll(poll = poll)  if (res != null) {      // poll can be opened immediately in the user's browser      val browserIntent = Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, res.url)      startActivity(browserIntent)  }

Setting up Poll Data

The following is a more complete example of setting up fields for a poll.

  // Poll Title  val title = "Which one should we book?"  // Poll Settings  val settings = PollSettings(      multipleVotes = true,      postVoteAction = PostVoteAction.shareVote  )  // Poll Options  val options = arrayListOf<PollOption>(      PollOption.default(          title = "This is the first option",          subtitle = "Subtitles are displayed below the title",          details = "Details are on the third line",          imageUrl = Uri.parse(""),          url = Uri.parse(""),          resourceId = "1"      ),      PollOption.default(          title = "This is the second option",          subtitle = "Subtitles are displayed below the title",          details = "Details are on the third line",          imageUrl = Uri.parse(""),          url = Uri.parse(""),          resourceId = "2"      )  )  // all together  val poll = Poll(      ownerId =,      settings = settings,      title = title,      options = options,  )

Opening the Poll

Continue to the next section to learn about the various options for opening the Poll.